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Benefits of Group Skydiving


Curtis Posted by: Curtis White 2 years ago

Weddings, birthdays, graduations, and well, literally any and all big life events are surrounded by friends and family. Although these affairs are truly special, we have to argue that skydiving for the first time takes the cake for the best event you’ll ever have in your entire life!! 

Whether your first jump is your one-and-done or it sparks your admiration for human flight and you go again and again, it’s an experience you’ll hold in your heart for the rest of your life – and you should have your most special people there to add to the memory. We can accommodate groups of 70+ people at our state-of-the-art facility, and we would love to have you!

Benefits of Group Skydiving

The Ultimate Support System!

When you come jump with your friends in a skydiving tandem group you won’t have to face your fears alone. Doing something new can be scary!

Does this sound familiar? You’re feeling uneasy and you wish someone you love and trust would give you a boost … and then your pals come to the rescue and hype you up. Turns it all around, right?

Now apply that mega-empowerment surge to skydiving. Jet jitters on the airplane ride up don’t stand a chance against your bestie’s super-comforting knowing look and words of reassurance! 

Taking on the feat of doing a tandem jump with your best buds also means you’ll have some witnesses to vouch for you when you recount the incredible story of your day. Of course, you won’t have to worry about extra proof if you get a video of your jump (which we 100% recommend), but the added affirmation and shared storytelling experience are a big plus! 

The Perfect Accountability Partners

The first skydive you make comes with a whole lot of never-before-felt stimulation, and you’ll probably be a little scared – in a good way. If second-guess-Sammy creeps into your mind, your homies will be there to fight him off and remind you about how excited you were when you booked your jump, how awesome you’ll feel when you take the leap of your life, and how disappointed you might feel if you stay on the plane. 

Listen to your people and reap the multitude of benefits of skydiving. From experiencing a complete 180 on your perspective and proving to yourself that you (yes, you!) are capable of conquering your fears, to increasing your confidence, riding an amazing endorphin-induced high (it’s amazing what skydiving does to your brain!), and befriending an awesome community of skydivers … the advantages of skydiving are numerous.

Basically, booking a skydive with your besties pretty much ensures you’ll say a big, resounding “YES” when your instructor asks, “Are you ready to skydive!?” No regrets!!

skydiving tandem group

Wait, Can Two People Skydive Together?

Pssh — 22 people can skydive together at our dropzone! We have the fastest jump plane in all of New England … but what you probably mean is, “Can my friend and I look at each other in freefall?” Unfortunately, no.

At Skydive New England, safety is a top priority on every jump. Only licensed skydivers can jump together-together. As a tandem skydiver, you are in harm’s way if you are in close proximity to other skydivers in freefall, during the parachute ride, or on landing. That said, we always try our best to keep skydiving tandem groups together so you can experience the entirety of the process together (up until exiting the plane).

Save Some Moolah with Skydiving Group Deals

A skydiving group discount is applied to group parachute jumps of 10 or more people – perfect for friend and family celebrations! The priceless exploit of a tandem skydive on a weekend day costs $260 per person, if you book as a group of 10 you save 40 buckaroos at the price of $220! 

While skydiving is an invaluable experience, the cost is something that turns a lot of people off. We get it! But it’s also a small price to pay for an unparalleled adventure. Quality time with your best friends AND saving a buck can’t be beaten. We make it super easy to book your entire group at once to avoid any confusion — if you have 10 or more people, please book at least two weeks prior to JUMP DAYYYY. 

group skydiving

Learn Something New

Jumping into a new hobby (hehe) is nothing short of intimidating. It might seem like everyone around you already knows everything and everyone, but we can assure you that as skydivers, we’re learning something new on every single skydive.

Pursuing the sport of skydiving takes some serious courage – it’s hard work to learn and excel at something that is inherently unnatural for our bodies and minds to do! It’s all much easier (and more fun) when done with a friend. If group skydiving is in your cards, a couple of you may fall in love with the freedom of flight and choose to delve into our Accelerated Free Fall Program (AFF) to learn how to skydive solo … together! Imagine getting your skydiving license and cloud surfing with your pals!? Sick.

Jumping jointly from a “perfectly good airplane” presents the optimal bonding opportunity for any group of people. However, we’d like to note that we will support you 10,000% if you walk through our door alone – and the second you do, you’re considered a part of our sky family! Reach out with any questions about booking or our group rates! We can’t wait to see you (and your crew)! 
